*I'MAPPY Project


IM’APPY is an integration map especially for young refugees living in Europe. Project is designed to reach young refugees who don’t have access to social and basic information about the asylum country or has no parents or families and provide them information and support. Our idea is to establish a platform to serve as Refugee Information Center by working with Youthwork Organizations/NGOs. IM’APPY will pin Youthwork organizations that shall provide social and basic information to young refugees as well as able to provide popular language lessons to the young refugees for overcoming the language barrier that will better enable their inclusion in the labor market. Our project addresses the challenges and aim at enhancing the active citizenship and empowerment of the young refugees, supporting the development of competences of NGOs working with young refugees, and strengthening the organizational capacity and overall professionalization of the structures through enhancing the coordination and unity of the NGOs dealing with refugees. The goal of this project is to provide a descriptive and critical analysis of the collection and coordination of information regarding situational issues and refugee needs among the NGO communities working in Europe. From language learning to the recognition of qualifications, education is a part of the solution throughout the inclusion process. IM’APPY will pin NGOs which have engaged with and support minority groups and migrant workers into employment through job shadowing, work placement, employer engagement and employability skills development. Therefore our ultimate aim is to overcome multiple barriers/problems faced by this group, aiming to restore young people’s dignity and strengthen their psychological wellbeing; and ease their inclusion to the society; especially for those who has no chance to enroll to formal education. IM’APPY will be one multilingual application for smart phones and for online tools, integrating information (pins of the organizations) in all partner countries. With İGAM, as the leading participant, there are five other partners from Greece, Slovakia, Lithuania, Italy and Turkey. IM’APPY, as an Erasmus+KA2 project, is being funded by Turkish National Agency. It has started in April 1, 2017 and has been planned to finish at December 31, 2019.
