Presentation of IGAM at Temporary Protection Workshop



On the first day of the three-day Temporary Protection Workshop organized by UNHCR and the Directorate General of Provincial Migration Management, Berna Köse, Administrative Affairs Officer of İGAM Keçiören Office, made a presentation introducing İGAM. In the presentation, the establishment process of İGAM was explained and information was given about its projects and activities. The presentation also covered the services provided and the objectives achieved at the IGAM Refugee Consultation and Support Hub.


“Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Turkey and enhancing community-based protection” project is funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).

This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
