Quality Education Without Distance Project

Quality Education Without Distance Project (QEWD)

(1 April 2020- ongoing)

Education Without Distance Project has implemented one week after the interruption of education in Turkey due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the week that EBA TV is on air. 

Aim of the activity: To ensure that refugee students are least affected by the adverse conditions created by the Covid 19 Pandemic in education and social life.

As part of the activity, online private lessons are given to refugee students. It is aimed to be both teacher and a mentor for students with training. Also, QEWD TALKS, Volunteer Integration, and English Speaking Workshops activities are organized. 

In QEWD TALKS, distinguished guests from different sectors within the migration area make presentations to volunteers via Zoom Meetings. It aims to improve the volunteers’ equipment in the migration area with this activity. 

In Volunteers Integration, the three most experienced volunteers make presentations to newcomers about points based on their experience every week. Newcomers have information about the program and get ready for lessons in this way.

In English Speaking Workshop, it is aimed to improve the intensive English speaking skills of students. In this event, Brazilian teachers assist our team. 

Students and volunteers in the activity by the end of 2020:

Total number of volunteers: 116

Total number of students: 110

Number of active volunteer teachers: 96

Number of active students: 87
